How is Membership Air different than flying private or chartered flights?

Membership Air flights are regularly scheduled so you won't be able to decide exactly when or where you want to go. However flying private or charter flights are very expensive and require quite a bit of preparation, with Membership Air you can reserve a seat in as little as 30 seconds just minutes before your departure.

What is Membership Air?

Membership Air is a first class, membership based, all-you-can-fly private jet service coming to Texas by the end of 2014. As a member you will enjoy a luxurious, hassle-free experience, 30-second booking, and no lines when you fly on any of our regularly scheduled flights, all while saving yourself time and money.

What makes Membership Air
preferable to driving?

Simply put... Time, and time is money. With Membership Air you can save hours off your travel time. You will be able to make it to your destination and back home with enough time and energy to enjoy your personal life, or get some work done at the office.